I will start this off by saying Charleston, SC is one of the most beautiful places we have visited. We moved to South Carolina from New Jersey, so we never really visited too many places like this. We lived right outside of NYC, 15 minutes to be exact. We were so used to all the hustle and bustle, never really stopping to appreciate what was around us. My husband decided about four years ago ( after visiting my brother and his family here in SC) that he wanted a better life for me and the kids. He didn’t want to have to worry about the kids getting a good education and so on. He wanted us to be able to go out the front door and not worry about what was waiting on the streets. So here we are now, we have lived in SC for 3 1/2 years and we love it. We are now able to stop and appreciate the beauty that is around us. Now to get back to the topic. The Battery is a beautiful historic park in Charleston. It’s a park at the very southern tip of Charleston. You can grab a seat on a bench for some shade, see some of the best monuments to Charleston’s past (and what a past Charleston has), and take a slow walk around Charleston’s waterfront.
Battery Park and White Point Garden offer views of Fort Sumter, scenic antebellum homes, and a number of historic monuments. The area was established initially as Fort Broughton in 1735, later as Fort Wilkins, as a park in 1837, and it later became a Confederate artillery battery during the Civil War. Today it’s a peaceful park with monuments reminding of its past use. Here along the Battery, you can see Civil War-vintage cannons and memorials to the soldiers.
We loved walking around the waterfront. It is so beautiful and serene. The Battery consists of a group of old Southern-style mansions. You can look out into the bay and see Fort Sumter. Some of the most beautiful homes in the United States are within a few blocks of The Battery, especially East Battery Street. Block after block of graceful Antebellum mansions. Most have full-side porches and little gardens. It really is a treat to wander the streets that radiate out from The Battery.
So if you are ever in Charleston, make sure you visit The Battery and I am sure you will love it as much as we do.
Friday 11th of January 2013
Wow! I live in Chicago and although Chicago is a beautiful city it is hardly as peaceful as this looks. Beautiful pictures. I've never been to Charleston but I have been to Myrtle Beach. I will put that on one of our places to visit.
Krystle(Baking Beauty)
Friday 11th of January 2013
The homes are amazing! And your photography is beautiful! I'd love to visit someday.
Friday 11th of January 2013
Beautiful pictures. So glad that your family loves where you moved to. Many times it doesn't work out that way. Thanks for sharing . I would love to visit SC.
Friday 11th of January 2013
what a gorgeous place. It kind of look like San Francisco :D i love those houses
Paula -Growing Up Bilingual
Friday 11th of January 2013
What a gorgeous place, love the architecture and the south has such a relaxed and laid back feel while at the same time there is so much history behind every building and house. I have never been to Charleston but I will put it in the bucket list for sure. What a wonderful and educational family trip. Thanks so much for sharing!!