Shoulder pain is a common affliction, met especially among athletes, but also ordinary people who take regular exercise. Painkillers and anti-inflammatories can help you, but it usually takes some time until they start working. But what if you need quick relief from pain, and you can’t wait so long? Then, there are other, more traditional ways of relieving your pain that you can use on your own at home.
One of the most effective methods is compression. For that, you’ll need special bandages or Techno-Aide aprons, which will stabilize your shoulder while walking and working. If you choose a compression bandage, you should wrap it snugly, leaving some space for blood flow. In the case of an apron, you need to wear it on your casual clothes. There are different types and colors which you can choose from. To feel comfortable enough, practice wearing it at home during your daily activities.
Many people would say that shoulder pain should be treated with ice. Yes, that’s right. But not everyone can bear it. If you fall into this category, you can always apply heat on your shoulder through a mild hot shower for five to ten minutes. It’s not only pleasant, but it can significantly alleviate your pain. You can also provide heat to your shoulder through an eclectic hot pack, but then remember to set a medium heat level, which is much better for our bodies than intense heat level.
Stretches and massage
If you work out a lot, and you know your stuff, the right solution can be stretching muscles around the shoulder joint. It’s quite an effective method to reduce pain, but also to prevent further future injuries. But always be careful so that you won’t hurt yourself even more.
For those who aren’t fond of physical exercises, a golden medium will be a massage. You can ask your family member to knead your sore muscles or use a foam roller on your own. If it doesn’t help, turn to a professional massage therapist.
To find out more about how to quickly overcome your unbearable shoulder pain, check out this informative infographic: