A Step-by-Step Plan is one of the prerequisites of the Start-up Visa application.
It is the primary document used by the IND (Immigration and Naturalization Service) to assess the benefits and applicability of your company proposal to the Dutch market.
In your Step-by-Step Plan, there are a few items you should include which are also mentioned on ogscapital.com/business-plan/start-up-visa-business-plan/.
The complete list may be seen here.
A strong and clear Step-by-Step Plan can be your best form for IND; it can persuade and inspire IND to perceive your idea, successfully express essential ideas, and sometimes even inspire people outside of IND (e.g. your start-up facilitator).
Here are few tips that might help you in writing the start-up visa business plan:
1. Know who your target audience is and what you want to achieve.
You must know your readers to communicate effectively. Is your subject something they’re familiar with? Is your message likely to be rejected?
Are they in their forties or fifties, educated or uneducated?
Remember the ancient adage that a message intended for everyone often appeals to no one.
You’re trying to persuade IND and RVO that your business idea has potential in the Netherlands.
You must presume that they are completely unfamiliar with your business concept in this situation.
Others may not view your company concept as obvious as you do.
Make sure your document includes the Five Ws and an H: who, what, where, when, why, and how.
Consider it from the perspective of a journalist.
2. Don’t use flowery wording. Keep it short and sweet.
Flowery language can come across as wordy, and it can also leave your meaning up to interpretation.
Keep it simple and to the point. If the jargon isn’t relevant to the topic, don’t use it. Jargon can appear to be a jumble of fancy words or noise with no discernible meaning.
Concentrate on the main points and goals of your essay. Redundancy should be avoided.
3. Maintain a strong grip.
Short sentences, paragraphs, and papers have a better chance of attracting the attention of the reader.
Don’t use verb/noun pairings to mask your verbs. Don’t “make a decision” or “implement a change.” Simply “decide” or “enhance.”
Remove long, winding phrases. Why use “we are upgrading our IT systems in the process” when you can simply say “we are upgrading our IT systems”?
4. Become more active.
Using an active voice in your sentences is a simple approach to enhance your writing.
“XYZ Corp. will provide rebates on all new purchases,” for example, is a more powerful phrase than “Rebates will be provided on all new purchases.”
Active voice sentences are frequently shorter and clearer than passive voice sentences, and they inspire more trust in readers. Everyone is curious as to who they are.
5. Proofread
Spell checks are helpful tools, but they’re not without flaws.
When you use a genuine word in an improper context, they rarely warn you. Before printing or sending your documents, be sure they are error-free.