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There Are Many Benefits From Eating Lobster

Lobster has had a wayward reputation as a fatty food. What we have uncovered is that lobster is a healthy food if prepared properly. The health benefits of eating lobster include weight loss, a stronger immune system, and it can even be a source for building DNA. Here is a closer look at how eating lobster benefits your body. 

Low Fat, High Protein

Image via Flickr by Dana Moos

According to the Journal of Nutrition, a high-protein, low-fat diet is a perfect combination for losing weight. However, lobster has not always had the best rap as a skinny food. The truth is that lobster is a skinny food, but not when we drench it in butter. When it comes to lobster, it all boils down to how we prepare it. Boiling, steaming and even grilling lobster make it a healthy low-fat, high protein food. If we are talking numbers, expect about 28.2 grams of protein per 150 grams of lobster. In the same amount of the spiny crustacean, there are only 1.3 total grams of fat.

Omega 3-Fatty Acids for Smartitude 

Omega 3-fatty acids have a ton of healthy benefits and lobster contains between 200-500 milligrams of Omega 3-fatty acids per three ounce serving. The Harvard School of Public Health lists Omega 3-fatty acids as an essential contribution to better health and brain function. In the body, these healthy fats contribute to intelligence, heart health, and help to prevent heart disease and stroke. Omega 3-fatty acids may also help in the control of other diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and even some forms of cancer.

Excellent Source of Zinc, Phosphorus, and Vitamin B-12

Zinc is an essential mineral that helps our body build a stronger immune system. Our body uses phosphorus to make strong bones and teeth. To produce nerve and blood cells that are healthy we need vitamin B-12. During the production of DNA, our body also uses vitamin B-12. Lobster is an excellent source of all three of these powerful substances. In one 150 gram serving of lobster there are 4.5 mg of zinc, 444 mg of phosphorus, and 1.4 mcg of vitamin B-12. Stock up on lobster at places like Lobster Place. 

Lobster Supports Heart Health

There is support for lobster as an aphrodisiac, but you be the judge of that. What we know is that with better heart health, strong blood cells, and a crisper mind, you probably won’t have much trouble getting lucky. How so? Well, strong blood cells carry more oxygen, and that helps your skin look its best. A stronger heart means you can do more exercise so your body is likely in good shape. Eat a serving of lobster once a week and see how it goes. 

What does all of this mean? It means that if you want a healthier body with a strong immune system that receives support from  healthy blood cells, consider lobster as a food source. Lobster is an excellent source of bone-building materials. The extra Omega 3-fatty acids help make you smarter, so eating lobster makes you a winner all the way around.