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Safety Tips For Trick or Treating

Safety Tips For Trick or TreatingHalloween is almost here and with it comes an evening of trick or treating with your children. Whether young or old, there are some ways you can ensure that you are safe during trick or treating night. With the sky turning dark sooner and so many people out and about it’s important to know these safety tips for trick or treating before you head out on Halloween night.

Walk on the Sidewalks

If there’s a sidewalk, use it! The best way to stay safe when walking the streets during the busy evening of trick or treating night is to walk on the sidewalks whenever there is a sidewalk to stand on.

Choose a Bright Costume

While every child has their own dream of what they want for a costume, you can try your best to help them pick a bright costume so that it stands out during the darkness of trick or treating night.

Make Sure Costume Fits

Be sure that your child’s costume isn’t too long so that they won’t trip on it during trick or treating. Make sure the mask allows your child to fully see what’s going on around them too.

Use Glow Sticks

There are many options to have glow sticks on you these days during trick or treating. Your child can have a glow stick necklace, bracelet or stick to carry with them as they walk in the dark.

Go as Group

If your child is older and looking to go trick or treating without an adult, make sure that they go with a group and stay as a group during the entire evening to be safe.

Do not Enter Stranger’s Home

Some strangers can be extremely friendly on trick or treating night and while they mean no harm, it’s still important that you teach your child to never enter a stranger’s home.

Follow the Rules of the Road

This means to always walk facing traffic unless there’s a sidewalk. Be sure to look both ways before crossing and be certain that you respect the flow of traffic while trick or treating.

Always Check Candy

Once your child is done trick or treating be sure to check the candy. Throw away any candy that has had the wrapper opened, while this may just be an accidental rip, it’s best to stay safe.

Going trick or treating is a long time tradition for many families on Halloween night. Some towns even host special events and times for trick or treating. While trick or treating is a very fun event, it’s important to keep these safety tips for trick or treating in mind so that you all return home safe and happy.