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“Little Lizzie Finds Her Color” – An Adorable Story and A Great Teaching Moment For Our Little Ones

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“Little Lizzie Finds Her Color” is an adorable story written by Shirley Van Hise. It’s about Lizzie, who I assume is a chameleon, who wants to play with her friends.  However, before her friends will play with her, they request that Lizzie changes the color of her body to the color her friends request before they let her play with them. After playing with each friend, she ends up not feeling very well. But, she can’t quite figure out why she doesn’t feel well. Her friends tell her to visit Great Grandpa Turtle, who they say will know how to make Lizzie feel better. The wise turtle helps Lizzie discover what color she wants to be. He reassures her that her friends will be happy for her and will still want to be her friend, even if she chooses the color she’ll be. The story continues with a surprise ending, which you’ll want to find out!

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Lizzie’s Story Offers Important Lessons Everyone Can Appreciate

This is a short story that helps children learn to identify main colors and common animals. On a deeper level, the story teaches important lessons about life and relationships. The story helps children learn the importance of respecting our own choices and the choices of others.  Lizzie also shows the reader how she learns to listen to her intuition. According to the author, “(This is the) first book in a series designed to nurture special qualities and characteristics not normally taught in school and encourages our children in the development of these qualities.”

The author has stated, “I think it’s important for our children to understand early on that they must be true to themselves, even if sometimes that’s hard to do. And before any of us can do that, we must know who we are, which we learn by listening to our inner voice and our intuition. And it is only by knowing who we are, that we can begin to follow our own unique personal path that the world will benefit from.”  What an inspirational viewpoint!  As you read the story, you will see Ms. Van Hise’s wisdom transformed into this story with such important lessons for our children.  Such lessons are so important for people of all ages in today’s society.

A Parent’s Guide and Other Useful Info

The author, Shirley Van Hise, has a website that provides readers, who have purchased her book, an opportunity to sign up and access a free, downloadable “Little Lizzie – A Parent’s Reading and Resource Guide.” The guide provides coloring and drawing pages for children.  It also has activities that can help stimulate meaningful discussions with your child about various issues presented in the book.

This book is the first book in a series. By registering at, you can keep up-to-date on when her next release will be available. Signing up also can gain you access to potential future discounts. And, your children and grandchildren won’t want to miss notification of the upcoming release of an audio presentation of the author reading “Little Lizzie Finds Her Colors.”

Easter is fast approaching and this would make an adorable holiday gift and a nice addition to an Easter basket!  It would also be a great gift for a teacher’s library. Or, give it to the grandparents so they have it to read when their grandkids come over.

For $15.95 you can get both the book, “Little Lizzie Finds Her Colors” (available on Amazon) and the Parent’s Guide (on the author’s website)! The book is meant for children up to the age of 5. However, older children could appreciate the lessons and cute story, too.

Connect with Shirley Van Hise: Amazon | Website